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58th Chapter (Aşţapancāśat Paţalah)

“Description of the Procedure of Meditation on Hanumān Mystical Amulet”

(Hanumacchakradhyana prakāra kathanam)

अशेषागमसारज्ञ पराशर महामुने!
ज्ञानांकुरं दृडीकर्तुं वद मे करुणानिधे।। 1


“Oh! Seer Parāśara! Knower of al the Vēdas and Śātras! Kindly-hearted one! Tell me about the procedure of the best meditation on the 5-Faced Hanumān mystical yantra-amulet (Pańchamukha Hanumacchakradhyāna) so that the sprouts from the seeds of knowledge grow nicely in me”. (1)

साधु पृष्टं महाभाग सत्कथाश्रवणोत्सुक
वक्ष्ये ध्यानविशेषान्वै पव्म्चास्यहनुमत्प्रभोः
यथाश्रुतं मया पूर्वं गौर्यै वर्णयतः शिइवात्।। 2


“Oh! Great persona that has the enthusiasm in listening to good stories! You asked very nicely. I will tell you all that I heard Śiva telling to Pārvati about all the features of meditating on the 5-Faced Hanumān. (2)

कैलासशिखरे रम्ये नानारत्नविभूषिते
मणिसिंहासनासीनं गौरी पप्रच्छ शङ्करम्।। 3

On the beautiful Mount Kailāśa, at a place decorated with different precious stones, while Śankara is seated on a diamond studded throne, Pārvati asked him so –  (3)

नित्यध्याननिरूढाय पव्म्चवक्त्रहनूमतः
ध्यानं चक्रस्थमस्माकं वक्तव्यं परमेश्वर! 4

Pārvati: ‘Oh! Paramēśvara! Tell me about the Hanumacchakradhyaana (meditation on the Hanumān amulet), so that one can always concentrate mind on the 5-Faced Hanumān’. (4)

ईश्वर उवाच
सम्यक्पृष्टं त्वया देवि! मन्मनोरथपू£तदम्
पव्म्चास्यहनुमच्चक्रध्यानं सांगं ब्रवीमि ते।। 5

Eeśwara: ‘Oh! Lady! You asked nicely so as to fulfil my wish. I am telling you about the meditation of the amulet of the 5-Faced Hanumān. (5)

संशृणोत्वेकचित्तेन-गुह्यमामुष्मिकंर् परम्
मध्यमे चक्रराजस्य-नाभ्यामम्ष्तसागरम्।। 6

The Procedure

Listen with a peaceful mind, to this procedure that is the most secret and capable of giving liberation (mōkşadāyaka). The sea of nectar present in the central point (nābhisthāna – belly-button position), (6)

ध्यात्वा तन्मध्यमे श्वेतद्वीपं सव्म्चिंतयेत्प्रिये
तन्मध्ये स्वर्णकदलीकान्तारं समचिन्तयेत्।। 7

Has to be meditated upon, and the white central part (like island) of it has to be well imagined. A golden banana grove has to be imagined in the centre of that white island. (7)

तन्मध्यमे महारम्यप्रासादमणिरव्म्जितम्
तन्मध्ये रत्नखचितस्वर्णसिंहासनोत्तमे।। 8

(Imagine), in the midst of the banana grove, a beautiful diamond studded palace, and in the middle of the palace a great diamond-studded throne, (8)

पद्मासने समासीनं स्वर्णालङ्कारभूषितम्
बालार्ककोटिप्रतिमं विद्युद्वर्णांबरावृतम्।। 9

Seated in lotus posture (padmāsana), decked with golden ornaments, wearing clothes that shine like a thunder with the radiance of ten million rising sons, (9)

पव्म्चवक्त्रं त्रिपंचाक्षं दशवाहुसमन्वितम्
खङ्गांकुशत्रिशूलाक्षमालापर्वतभूरुहम्।। 10

The One with Five-Faces, having fifteen eyes, ten hands, (holding) a sword, an elephant goad (ankuśa), a trident, a rosary (akşamāla), a mountain, a tree, (10)

इन्दुखण्डावतंसोत्तमांगमुत्तुंगविग्रहम्।। 11

A lasso rope (pāśa), sanjeevani (life giving herb), a coloured length of cloth (cheera), a sharp weapon (tankāyudha); looking splendid wearing them, one with the crescent moon as an ornament I the head, one with a huge form; (11)

दशदिग्भ्राजितोदग्रकिरीटेन विराजितम्।। 12

One whose cheeks shine due to wearing of ruby studded year rings, one filling the ten direction with radiance emanating from his great crown; (12)

मणिस्वर्णमया नेकभूषणस्फू£तभासुरम्।। 13

Golden chains around the neck, bracelets to the hands, upper arm bracelets (kēyoora) on the shoulders, the hip region shining with the around-the-hip cord, resplendent wearing various diamond-studded ornaments on the body; (13)

सर्वांगसुन्दरं दिव्यमू£तज्ञानामृताकरम्
सेवनाय समासीनभक्ताभीष्टफलप्रदम्।। 14

Beautiful in every part of the body (sarvāńgasundara), having a auspicious body (vigraha), an abode of the nectar of knowledge, the One waiting to be worshipped, blessing the desired fruits to devotees; (14)

हरण्यं सर्वदेवानां त्रातारं भक्तवत्सलम्
सर्वकामदमिन्द्रादिसर्वदेवैरुपासितम्।। 15

The One that is asylum to all the gods; affectionate to all the devotees, the protector, one who fulfills all desires, worshipped by Indra and all the gods; (15)

शिवबीजाक्षरैकस्थं पव्म्चास्यं पवनात्मजम्
त्रिभागसंवृतौरेभिस्त्रिमूर्तिभिरहर्निशम्।। 16

The one who remains in the seed-letter of Śiva, the one with Five-Faces, the son of Wind God, always possessing day and night, the forms of the Trinity – Brahma, Vişņu and Śiva – in in three parts; (16)

अपरा व्यक्तचिन्मू²त भविष्यत्पङ्कजासनम्
योगपद्मासनासीनं महायोगीश्वर्ं हरिम्।। 17

The very form of the unending and invisible knowledge, the Future Creator (Brahma), sitting in the yōga-padmāsana posture, the great yogi, the lord of monkeys (kapeendra), (17)

षड्भिस्सुदर्शनैव्र्यक्तलक्षणैसम्यगावृतम्।। 18

The lord of Monkeys also possessing the Faces of the Man-Lion (Nārasimha), the Great Eagle Garuda, and the Great Boar Varāha, the One having the features of  sixteen personalities including Sudarśana (Visşņu). (18)

अवस्थितैः स्थिरैस्सम्यक्संवृतं परमेश्वरम्।। 19

The Lord that is present settled in the Ten Directions, in Twelve Temples, along with Śiva, Rāma, Chandra and Soorya. (19)

संवृतं षौडशौर्युक्तसर्वाभिश्शक्तिभिः पृथंक्।। 20

The one that always remains equal to and together with the Twelve Suns (dwādaśāditya), the Eleven Fierce Forms of Śiva (ēkādaśarudras); the Eight Vasus (eight elemental gods), Brahma the Creator, with the Universal gods, one that remains unique with all the sixteen powers (śaktis); (20)

क्षेत्रपालैर्विंशतिभिः वटुकाद्यैरलंकृतम्
सेवितं चैव तत्त्वात्मच्छन्दोभि£वविधैरपि।। 21

The One decorated by the 20 Territorial Rulers (kşētrapāla) and the bachelors (brahmacāri) and the One served by all the natures (tattva) and the various metres (chandas), (21)

द्वात्रिंशन्द्रिर्नृशिहैश्च सम्यक्संवेष्टितं पुनः
योगिनीभैरवैश्चापिचतुष्षष्ट्यनिलात्मजैः।। 22

The One nicely surrounded by 32 main-lion forms (nŗsimha) and by the yōginee (female yogis) group, Bhairava (Tantric deity) group, 64 primeval winds (anilaātmajas), (22)

सवेष्टितं चैवमेवमहाचक्रस्थमुत्तमम्
सर्वावतारकं दिव्यतेजोमू£तर्निश्वरम्।। 23

The One sorrounded similarly by the great ring amulet (cakrastha), one of all the incarnations (sarvāvatāra), the form wearing the auspicious brilliance, the one form with no distinctive form features (nirguņswaroopa), (23)

एवं पव्म्चांननं वायुसूनुं ध्यायेदनन्यधीः
ततः कृपाकरात्तस्य सर्वापद्भ्यो विमुच्यते।। 24

Such a Five-Faced One, son of Wind God, Hanumān has to be meditated upon with a mind free of other things (ananyamanaska). (24)

जित्वा थ दारुणं मृत्युमत्युग्रकालसंज्ञकम्
ऐहिकामुष्मिकान्भोगान्प्राप्नोत्यव्याहतान् नरः।। 25

The Impact

Then such a meditating person enjoy, without obstruction, this and other world’s good things, having won over the frightful and horrible death named Kāla. (25)

य इदं परमं गुह्यं-पव्म्चास्यहनुमत्प्रभोः
ध्यानं पठत्यनुदिनं-तदैक्यत्वमवाप्नुयात्।। 26

Whoever performs this secret Five-Faced Hanumān Meditation every day, will ultimately become one with Hanumān (spiritually united). (26)

कथांतरं प्रवक्ष्यामि-मैत्रेय! शृणु तत्त्वतः
हनुमत्पूजनादौ च पूजान्ते प्रत्यहं सुधीः।। 27

Oh! Mytrēya! I am telling you another thing. Listen attentively. Acknowledgeable person, before and after worshipping Hanumān every day, (27)

साष्टांगं च नमस्कुर्यात्पंचवारं हनूमतः
त्रिकालमेककालं वा कालद्वयमथा पि वा।। 28

Must perform saluations while prostrating (sāştāngapranamam) five times daily or one time (of the day) or twice a day or three times a day. (28)

मूलमन्त्रं जपेन्नित्यं गुरुपूजापरायणः
बहुनात्र किमुक्तेन हनूमन्मंत्रतत्परः।। 29

With due respect to one’s Guru, one has to always keep on reciting the root mantra. Why to say much on this issue? Deeply immersed in Hanuman mantra, (29)

यावज्जीवं नयेत्कालं मनोवाक्कायकर्मभिः
एवं नयति यः कालं मन्त्रविन्मंत्रतत्परः।। 30

One has to spend the whole life time. Whichever mantragńya (mantra concious) spends time, immersing self in Hanuman mantra, in word, in thought and in deed (trikaraņaśuddhi) with purity and unity – (30)

स एव हनुमान्ब्रह्मन्नात्र कार्या विचारणा। 31

He himself is really Hanumān. Oh! Best of Brahmins! There is no doubt in this. (31)

भूतप्रेतपिशाचानामुच्चाटनविधिं मुने!
वक्ष्याम्यहं प्रयत्नेन-लोकानामुपकारकम्।। 32

Protection from Evil Creatures

Oh! Sage Mytreya! I am, on purpose, telling the method of destroying the devils (bhoota), wandering spirits (prēta), flesh-eating demons (piśāca) and other harmful creatures. (32)

भूतप्रेतपिशाचाना मात्ययो यत्र दृश्यते
तत्राभिमुखमास्थाय श्रीवीरहनुम्न्मनोः
पंचवारं जपं कुर्याद्धनूमन्मुद्रणं तथा।। 33

Sitting facing the direction from which there is a possible danger from devils, wandering spirits and flesh-eating creatures, one has to recite the Śrī Veera Hanuman mantra five times. Also, one should be in Hanuman mudra (Hanumān gesture). (33)

एवं कृते मंत्रविधौ-मंत्रस्या  वृत्तिपूर्वकम्
पलायंते महाभीताभूतवेतालराक्षसाः।। 34

If the mantra procedure is followed along with its repetition routines all types of devils, spirits and demons will get frightened and run away.  (34)

इत्यामनंति मुनयो यथाश्रुतमुदाहृतं
मुद्राया लक्षणं वक्ष्ये शृणुष्वनन्यमानसः।। 35

So the seers tell. I am explaining to you as I heard it.  Now, I am telling the features of Hanuman mudra. Listen with concentration. (35)

यस्य श्रवणमात्रेण पिशाचो बिभ्यति स्वयम्
किल्किलिप्रचुरं सद्यः बूबूकारं समुच्चरन्।। 36

The spirits themselves will run away by merely hearing about this mantra. Making sounds like ‘kilikili’ and immediately uttering the word ‘boo boo’, (36)

विघृत्य श्रवणे नेत्रे प्रहस्य पुरतो मुखम्
तालुन्यापूर्य फूत्कारेैर्विष्टभ्य भुवि जानुनी।। 37

Covering the eyes and years with palms, loudly laughing (attahāsa) by leaning the face forwards, filling the mouth with air and then blowing it out loudly (phootakāra), strongly beating the earth with knees by leaning, (37)

मध्यमा नामिकां गष्ठदृडसंयोगपर्वू कम्
उत्क्षिप्य बाहुमध्यादौ समकर्णान्तगामिनौ।। 38

Raising the hands up to the ear level with the thumb, middle and ring finger flexed in, (38)

भूतप्रेतादिसंस्थानं भीकरं प्रतिलोकयेत्
सैषा तु हनुमन्मुद्रा कथिता मन्त्रवित्तमैः
भूतप्रेतपिशाचानां महतीयं विभीषिका।। 39

One has to look fiercely at the places where devils and spirits are. Scholars of mantras say that doing so is the Hanumanmudra. (39)

रयेण यम्येंबुधरास्समन्ततः
स दिव्यपंचाननवायुनन्दनो
ममास्तु कल्याणविवृद्धये हरिः।। 40

May the great lord, by the strong winds created due to the whirling of whose tail, the clouds spread helter skelter, such auspicious One, the Five-Faced son of the Wind God, Hanumān, increase the auspicious benevolence towards me’.(40)


इति श्रीपराशरसंहितायां श्रीपराशरमैत्रेयसंवादे हनुमच्चक्रध्यानप्रकारकथनं नाम अष्टपव्म्चाशत्पटलः

Thus ends the 58th Chapter “Description of the Procedure of Meditation on Hanumān Mystical Amulet”

Devanagari transliteration

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