45th Chapter (Pańcacatvārimśat Paţalah) Part 1
“The Story of Hanumān’s Entry into Pātāla Lanka”
(Hanumatpatāļalankā Praveśa Kathanam)
एतस्मिन्नन्ततरे प्राज्ञो द्रष्टुकामस्स राघवौ
विभीषणश्शुभाचारः हनुमन्निकटं गतः।। 1
The Real Vibheeṣaņa
By that time, good-intentioned and wise Vibheeṣṇa, the real one) wishing to check on Rāma and Lakṣmaņa. himself came near Hanumān (1)
तमुवाचाथ पौलस्त्यः प्राकाराकष्तवालधिम्
राक्षसाःपापकर्माणः मायामोहनपण्डिताः।। 2
Seeing Hanumān with His tail forming the perimetre wall he said so. ‘Oh! Hanumān! The demons are evil doers and good at illusionary tricks, (2)
वव्म्चकाः परमक्रुद्धाः रन्ध्रान्वेषणतत्पराः
सेनामुखे चरन्तीह दृष्ष्ट्यगोचरविग्रहाः।। 3
Also, they are deceivers, very angry and always look for an opportunity. They are roaming amongst our forces, without being seen by us. (3)
गृष्ध्रा इव चरन्त्यास्ये केचिद्गार्दभविभ्रमाः
किन्त्विदानीं कपिश्रेष्ठ शृष्णुष्वेकं हितं वचः।। 4
Some are roaming with eagles faces while other with donkey faces. Oh! Monkey warrior! Please listen to a good word that I am going to tell. (4)
एषा भगवती रात्रिः सुप्रभाता स्फुटं यदि
तदा स्यातां राजपुत्रौ कृष्तार्थौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।। 5
The princes Rāma and Lakşmaņa will be successful if this night passes off and dawn comes. (5)
दीर्घनिश्वासकल्लोलं तरेतां दुःखसागरम्
वयं च कष्तिनस्सर्वे प्राणैरपि हितैषिणः।। 6
May they two cross this ocean of sorrow that is wild and whooshing, as though with long expirations. We too will then be successful only if they, dearer to us than our own lives, do so. (6)
तत्त्वया हनुमन्वीर! न कर्तव्या प्रमत्तता
त्वदधीनमिदं सर्वं बलं सुग्रीवपालितम्।। 7
Oh! Hanumān the Warrior! So, You may not be inattentive. The entire army commanded by Sugreeva is under your control. (7)
धैर्ये बले च बुद्धौ च साहसे प्रियकर्मणि
नास्ति ते सदृशश्शूरः त्वं हि नः परमागतिः।। 8
There is no one as good as You in valor, strength, intelligence, courage and performing good deeds. You are our ultimate destiny. (8)
मान्तरं दीयतां कस्मै सेनांतस्सर्वतोदिशं
पश्येमतुलप्राज्ञौ राजपुत्रावरिंदमौ।। 9
Don’t give space to any stranger within this perimeter. Be watchful towards all the directions. (We) have to watch over these enemy-destroying great princes carefully. (9)
किन्नु शेते रघुश्रेष्ठः सीताविरहकातरः
सौमित्रिर्वा धनुष्पाणिः किन्नु जागर्ति लक्ष्मणः।। 10
Is Raghurāma, despondent due to separation from mother Seetā is able to sleep? Is the bow-wielding Lakşmaņa wide awake? (10)
अन्तरं दीयताम्मह्यं दिदृष्क्षुरहमागतः
इति वादिनि पौलस्त्ये हितैषिणि विभीषणे।। 11
Oh! Hanumān! Give me an opportunity. I came only intent on seeing them’. On well-wisher Vibheeṣaņa saying so to Hanumān, (11)
प्रत्युवाच कपिश्रेष्ठः संशयापन्नमानसः
विभीषण शुभाचार मुहूर्ते हि गतागतः।। 12
Mairāvaņa’s Trickery Found out
Hanumān, with a disturbed mind replied so. ‘Oh! Vibheeṣaņa! Rich in auspiciousness-heralding information! You just went a moment back and came back again! (12)
सन्देहयति मच्चित्तं वामाक्षि स्पन्दते पुनः
इदानीमागतो विद्वन् दृष्ष्टवानपि राघवौ।। 13
My mind is getting suspicious. My left eye is trembling (a bad omen). Vibheeṣaņa! Just now you came and saw Rāma and Lakṣmaņa! (13)
पुनरेवागतः किन्नु सखे मे ब्रूहि तत्त्वतः
इति श्रुत्वा वचो दीनं कपिनाथेन भाषितम्।। 14
Why did you come again? Tell me your intension in coming so.’ Hearing such humbled words of Hanumān, (14)
विभीषणो गतोत्साहः मुहूर्तं ध्यानमास्थितः
विभीषणः पुन प्राह धैर्यमास्थाय यत्नतः।। 15
Vibheeṣaņa, with his enthusiasm gone, stunned for a while, somehow developing courage said so. (15)
नागतो स्मि कपिश्रेष्ठ न दष्ष्टौ रामलक्ष्मणौ
किन्तु मैरावणो नाम मातुलो रावणस्य हि।। 16
‘Oh! Monkey Warrior! I did not come, nor saw Rāma and Lakṣmaņa. But there is a maternal uncle of Rāvaņa named Mairāvaņa. (16)
बहुरूपो महामायो वव्म्चिताखिलसज्जनः
नैच्यशीलः दुराचारो मम वेषधरश्शठः।। 17
He is a great illusionist having many forms. He deceived many good people, he is of a mean nature, intent on doing evil deeds, taker of my form, deceiver of people without their knowledge, (17)
वव्म्चयित्वा भवन्तं वै प्रविष्टष्छद्मना बलम्
किन्नु तत्राकरोन्मायी राजन्ययोः प्रसुप्तयोः।। 18
He entered our army base, having deceived you by taking my form. Definitely he might have harmed Rāma and Lakṣmaņa resting there! (18)
जानीयाद्यदि तन्मायां लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा
तथैवमसुरं सद्यः हन्यते वा विचारयन्।। 19
If warrior Lakṣmaņa knew his deceit, he will definitely kill him with no second thought. (19)
गम्यतां तत्र वेगेन यत्रास्ते रघुनन्दनः
यावन्न दृश्यते रामः न वार्ता श्रूयते पि वा।। 20
Go quickly to the place where Rāma is. Until seeing Rāma or knowing his well-being (20)
तावत्सन्तप्यते चेतः वह्नितप्तमिवायसम्
इति सन्तप्यमानस्सन् कपीन्द्रेण समं तदा
राघवाधिष्ठितं देशं जगाम स विभीषणः || 21
My mind remains like iron burnt by fire. So distressed, Vibheeṣaņa went along with Hanumān to the place where Rāma was resting. (21)
दृष्ष्ट्वा शून्यन्तु तद्देशं विवर्णहृदयावुभौ
चेरतां तत्र सेनायां भूतावेशाविवानघौ
विव्यथे कपिसेनापि दृष्ष्ट्वा कपिविभीषणौ।। 22
Seeing that place to be empty both were blanched and worriedwith heavy heart. Seeing Hanumān and Vibjeeṣaņa as if they were taken over by ghosts, the monkey army too got worried. (22)
दृष्ष्ट्वा न विद्यमानौ तौ सुतरां दुःखितौ गतौ
खिद्यमान इवांबोधौ मन्दराद्रिरिवाभृशम्।। 23
Seeing no Rāma and Lakṣmaņa there, like the Mandara mountain that fell into the sea, Hanumān got worried and very sad. (23)
शुशुवे तन्महाध्वानः महाकालो महानभूत्।।
चुक्रुशुर्मिलितास्तत्र मुक्तकण्ठाः परस्परम्।। 24
The noise made by them both led to lot of cacophony. All of them, telling each other, cried loudly together. (24)
इत्याक्रोशपरसैन्यं दृष्ष्ट्वा केसरिनन्दनः
पपात भृशदुःखार्तः छिन्नमूल इव द्रुमः।। 25
Seeing the crying monkey army, son of Kēṡari, Hanumān himself was very saddened and fell like a cut tree. (25)
न विवेद तदा बाह्यं मुहूर्तं दुःखविह्नलः
उत्थाय पुनरह्नाय धीरोदात्तो महाकपिः।। 26
Hanumān’s Self-rapprochement
Recovering from that momentary shock, valorous Hanumān (26)
जान्वोरुपरि संस्थाप्य शिर आनतकन्धरः
चिन्तयामास दुःखार्तो रामलक्ष्मणयोर्गतिम्।। 27
Resting the face on the folded knees, Hanumān deeply thought about the fate of Rāma and Lakṣmaņa.(27)
धिङ्मां कुविक्रमं यस्मात् स्वामिकार्यविनाशकम्
मित्रद्रोहं वृथप्रज्ञं धिङ्मां कुत्सितचेष्टकम्।। 28
(Thought) ‘Ah! Reprochable is all my so called courage, a waste; a fool I am that spoiled my Lord’s work; I am a betrayer of my friend; possessor of useless intelligence; does of an evil deed.’ (28)
धिगिमं बालधिं दीर्घं धिग्दौवारिकतां मम
धिङ्मतिं स्थूलरूपां वा धिग्जीवनमिदं मम।। 29
This long tail is of no use. Giving me the title of (main) entrance guard is a waste. My great intelligence is a waste. My life itself is a waste. (29)
यदहं मर्कटो भूत्वा राजपुत्रावनाशयम्
सुग्रीवः किन्नु मां ब्रूयान्नियोक्ता बलरक्षणे।। 30
Because, being a monkey, I came forward to protect the princes. How will Sugreeva feel about making me in-charge of the security? (30)
वैदेही चेति मन्येत सख्यमारोप्य वायुजः
शत्रुपक्षकृष्तस्नेहो राममग्राहयत्स्वयत्।। 31
Won’t Seetā feel that Hanumān, the Son of Wind God acted friendship, but actually inclined towards the enemy and abducted Rāma with his own hands?’ (31)
इति चिन्ताकुलस्वान्तः ववृष्धे वायुनन्दनः
आब्रह्मभुवनव्याप्तविश्वरूपकलेबरः।। 32
With a mind full of such worries, Hanumān the son of Wind God grew his gigantic form (viśvaroop) right up to Brahmalōka (outer-most realm). (32)
प्रलयाग्निरिव ज्वाला जज्वाल बहिरंतरम्
मृष्त्योरपि भयं चक्रे भयंकरमुखः कपिः।। 33
With a frightening face, Hanumān, equal to the great fire of the Doomsday spread inside and outside the great flame, was frightening to the very Death (mŗtyudēvi). (33)
ब्रह्मादयस्सुरास्सर्वे कन्दिशीकास्तथा भवन्
इत्युग्ररूपमास्थाय बभाषे स विभीषणम्।। 34
Creator Brahma and other gods ran helter-skelter out of fear on seeing Hanumān. In such a frightening form, he said so to Vibheeşaņa so. (34)
क्व नु मैरावणो दैत्यः दर्षय त्वं तदालयम्
संवेष्ट्य वालरोमाग्रैः चूर्णीकुर्यां तमश्मनि।। 35
‘Where is that Mairāvaņa? Show me his abode; hitting on stones with just the tips of my tail, I will make him amorphous. (35)
अथवा पादघातेन मर्दयिष्ये कृष्तागसम्
अथवा क्षुधितो नूनं कवलीकुर्यां प्रतारकम्।। 36
Or I will beat that evil-doer into pulp by kicking him. Or, with hunger, I will swallow him in one go.’ (36)
इति कोपसमाक्रान्तचेतसं विश्वरूपणिम्
हनुमन्तमुवाचेदं सान्त्वयन् सविभीषणः।। 37
Path to Patāla Lanka
Quieting such an angry Hanumān in gigantic form, Vibheeşaņa, said so. (37)
अस्ति पाताललङ्कायां मैरावणपुरं महत्
देवदानवदुर्धर्षं सप्तप्राकारवेष्टितम्।। 38
‘The great Mairāavaņapuram is located in the Pātāla Lanka. It is unconquerable to even gods and demons. It is surrounded by seven perimeter walls. (38)
दुर्गमं पवनेनापि ततो न्येषां हि किं पुनः
तस्य द्वारद्वयं चाभूद्गत्वागमनसाधकम्।। 39
Even air cannot pass through that. What to tell about others! There are only two doors to it entry and exit. (39)
तत्रैकं पद्मिनीनालविधिरन्तरपद्धतिः
रावणान्तःपुरद्वारकृष्तवत्र्म परं महत्।। 40
There is a lotus stalk (patent inside) like passage there. That is the way from Rāvaņa’s interior palace; that is the first way. (40)
द्वितीयेन पथा गन्तुं त्वद्विधानाम्महात्मनां
आयासो नास्ति शुद्धात्मन्विपुलायतपर्वणि।। 41
Oh! Pure-souled One! The second way, a vast and long way, will not be difficult for great souls like you (to cross). (41)
किन्तु तत्रान्तरायः स्यादुद्रटैर्भटसैनिकैः
महायुधैः कृष्तामर्षैः रावणस्यांतरङ्गिकैः।। 42
But guarding that there are very angry and heavily armed Rāvaņa’s own elite forces. (42)
संग्रामो पि भवेदाशु ततस्स्यात्कार्यविप्लवः
तस्मात्तेन पथा धीमन् गन्तव्यं हि त्वयाधुना।। 43
One has to fight with them immediately. This causes obstacle in (your) work. Oh! Courageous One! Hence, start immediately for using that path. (43)
पाताललङ्काप्राकारबाह्मपुष्करणीतटे।। 44
Oh! Valorous Monkey! Go through the first lotus stalk path smoothly. On the bank of the lake outside the perimeter of the Pātāla Lanka (44)
मृणासदृशाकारनालयन्त्रं विनिम्रितम्
तदीयसूक्ष्ममार्गेण कामरूपा हि राक्षसाः।। 45
Built is a contraption similar in shape of a lotus stalk (mŗņāļa). Its tiny opening path is by demons capable of changing forms at will (45)
चरंति सङ्कटे प्राप्ते तदिदं गुप्तश्मभिः
इममुद्धर पाषाणं भृष्गुवर्तुलमक्षतम्।। 46
Move around. That (tiny path inwards) gets closed with unbreakable round boulders, which you have to remove.’ (46)
तेनैवमुक्तो हनुमान् चिक्षेपाग्रनखेन तम्
तत्र दृष्ष्टं बिलं सूक्ष्मं तत्र नालं व्यदृश्यत।। 47
Hanumān goes to Pātāla Lanka
(As told by Vibheeşaņa) Hanumān removed the stones, disentangled himself from them and saw there a tiny hole. There he saw the tube (like way). (47)
कामरूपो महाभागः सूक्ष्मरूपो व्यजायत
तत्र सूक्ष्मशरीरेण प्रविष्टः प्लवगाधिपः।। 48
Hanumān, capable of changing His form at will (kāmaroopa), obtained a tiny form (sookşmaroopa) there. (48)
अतिसूक्ष्मतया तस्य भाविकार्येषु सारतः
सङ्कटे चैव कर्माभूद्रिपुरेनं यथातथा।। 49
His action was amenable for all the tasks that He has to perform and bear the difficulties in the destruction of the enemy. (49)
निर्गत्य नालमार्गेण ययौ पुष्करिणीतटम्
अतिनन्दनमालोक्य सरसीरामणीयकम् || 50
Going through the tubular path, He reached the bank of the lake. Seeing the beauty of that lake that is akin to the heavenly gardens, (50)
सस्माराकृष्ष्टचित्तस्सन् पम्पायाः कमनीयताम्
बहुयोजनविस्तीर्णां सरसीं संदिदृष्क्षया।। 51
Attracted towards it, He remembered the beauty of the real Lake Pampa. Wishing to see that lake (of Mairāvaņapuram) that is expanded across many kilometers, (51)
अत्युन्नततटरुहं आरुरोह शमीतरुम्
तत्र कासारसौन्दर्यमशेषं तद्विलोक्य सः।। 52
Going up the tallest śamī (Banni) tree on that shore, seeing the entire beauty of that lake (52)
अभवत्परमानन्दः कपीन्द्रो रमतां वरः
अथापश्यत्पुरीं लङ्कां सप्तप्राकारवेष्टिताम्।। 53
Hanumān, very good at sports and physical activity was very happy. Then he saw the Pātāla Lanka surrounded by the seven perimetre walls. (53)
पव्म्चकोशावृष्तां विद्यां ब्रह्माख्यामिव तापसः
इति पश्यन्विचित्राणि नागराणि बहून्यपि।। 54
Like the great sacrifice-performing seers knowing the Pańcakōśa spreading knowledge about the Supreme Being, looking at the different varieties of wonders of that city, (54)
मग्नस्स परमान्दसिन्धौ नात्मानमस्मरत्
दुर्दंडीरुदितं घोरं श्मीतरुसमीपगम्।। 55
Story of Durgaņdee
Not forgetting his mission, though He is in deep bliss, noticing the ghastly crying of Durgaņdee even at the samī tree (55)
दीनस्वरं स शुश्राव दीनबन्धुर्दयानिधिः
किमेतदिति संचिन्त्य दयार्द्रहृदयः कपिः।। 56
Hanumān, the friend of the pitiable ones, an abode of kindness, heard that pitiable cry. With His kind heart, wondered what could be that? Thinking over it, (56)
अत्युन्नतशमीवष्क्षात्तत्क्षणादवततार सः
अवतीर्य शनैर्गच्छन् दुर्दंडीं लालनोन्मुखः।। 57
He got down quickly from that tall Banni tree. Having come down the tree, he walked slowly towards Durgaņdee, having consoled her (57)
शृष्ङ्खलां भव्म्जयामास तत्पादगतिरोधिनीम्
ततः प्राह कपीन्द्रस्तां शृष्ङ्खलाबन्धविस्मृतम्।। 58
First, He removed the shackles hindering her gait. Then Hanumān, said to her, now freed from the shackles. (58)
वेदमाना निजभ्रातष्मायेति परिशङ्किनीम्
का त्वं कल्याणि भद्रं ते केनैवमवमानिता।। 59
As she doubted that what she is seeing is an illusion created by her brother, he said to her, ‘Oh! Good Woman! Who are you? You be safe! By whom were you so belittled? (59)
रोदनं किन्नु सुश्रोणि किमर्थं विजने स्थिता
सर्वं मे ब्रूहि मा भैषीः तरेस्त्वं दुःखसागरम्।। 60
Oh! Lady! Why are you crying? Do not fear. Tell me everything. I will take you out of the ocean of sorrow. (60)
इति संलालितानेन दुर्दंडी वीतसाध्वसा
वक्तुं प्रचक्रमे साध्वी स्ववष्त्तांतं यथाक्रमम्।। 61
So consoled by Hanumān, free from fear, achiever Durgaņdee told her entire story step by step. (61)
अत्र मैरावणो नाम राक्षसः पापकृष्त्तमः
मातुलो रावणस्यायं साधून्विद्वेष्टि सर्वदा 62
(She answered), ‘Here lives a demon called Mairāvaņa, a maternal uncle of Rāvņa that always curses good people. (62)
तस्याहं भगिनी दीना दुर्दंडी नाम नामतः
पिताभून्नीलमेघस्य कालदण्ड इति श्रुतः।। 63
I am called Durguņdee, the pitiable sister of him. There is one Kāladandi father of Neelamēgha (my son). (63)
सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नः सन्तोषयति सज्जनान्
कस्यचिद्वरकालस्य देवर्षिर्नारदो भ्यगात्। 64
A person of all good virtues, is one who gives pleasure to people with good virtues. Once the godly seer Nārada came to him (Royal Council of Mairāvaņa). (64)
ददर्श नीलमेघं तं विनयावनतं शुभम्
तदा प्रोवाच भगवान् नारदो ज्ञानचक्षुवा।। 65
With head lowered with intent, Nārada saw the virtuous Neelamēgha that gave him auspicious appearance. Nārada, seeing him with his divine-sight, (65)
दृष्ष्ट्वा स्वभाविभव्यं वै शृष्ण्वतां सर्वरक्षसाम्
अयं पाताललङ्कायाः भविताधिपतिस्स्वयम्।। 66
Knower of the past and the future, as all the demons were listening, he (Nārada) told that Neelamēgha will become the king of Pāţāla Lanka. (66)
विभीषण इवान्यस्सः देवराजो यथाधिपः
चक्रांकुशपताकाब्जयवमत्स्या यथायथम्।। 67
‘Like Indra in the heaven he will be the king in place of Vibheeşaņa. Wheel, elephant goad, flag, lotus, youth-line (yuvarēkha), fish-line (matsyarēkha) and other (67)
विराजन्ते स्फुटा रेखाः पदयोश्शुभसूचकाः
अतएव महाभागभाविनं लोकनायकम्।। 68
Lines that are auspicious are seen very clearly on the soles (of his feet). So such a great soul, as a future lord of worlds (68)
रक्षन्तु सर्वतस्सभ्या भवन्तो वीतमत्सराः
इत्यादिष्य मुनिश्श्रीमान् क्षणादन्तर्हितः कपे।। 69
Protect him in all aspects. Oh! Members! Protect him forgetting the personal dislikes amongst you.’ So instructing them, Oh! Lord of Monkeys (Hanumān)! That virtuous seer Nārada left. (69)
ततो मैरावणः क्रुद्धो नीलमेघं शुभप्रदम्
आसनात्तूर्णमुत्थाय मत्सुतं पािणनाग्रहीत्।। 70
Then Mairāņa got very angry, got up from his throne and caught Neelamēgha, my auspicious son. (70)
ततस्तं बहुभाराभ्यां शष्ङ्खलाभ्यामयोजयत्
मामाहूय ततो भ्राता सुतग्रहणदुःखिताम्।। 71
Then he tied him up with heavy shackles. As my son was taken as a prisoner, my elder brother called me, the sad one, (71)
अनेन निगडेनाषु बन्धयामास निर्दयः
तिष्ठामीमां दषां प्राप्तौ मातापुत्रावुभावपि।। 72
And the merciless one tied me too up in shackles. Both I, the mother and my son are in such a pitiable state. (72)
सम्मोचयितुमद्यापि चिरकालेन नेहते
तदाप्रभृष्ति मां पुत्रो न पश्यति कदाचन।। 73
Though I was later released, I had no one left for a long time. I have never seen my son again since that day. (73)
अहं तातं न पश्यमि पृथक्कारागष्हेषिता
इदानीं मामुपास्थाय भ्राता मैरावणश्शठः।। 74
I was in a special prison, not seeing even my father. My crooked brother Mairāvaņa came to me today. (74)
उवाच सत्वरं वाक्यं मायी परमवव्म्चकः
अयि दुर्दण्डि भद्रं ते माभूत्ते मनसो व्यथा।। 75
That deceitful, illusionist trickster said so to me brusquely. ‘Durgaņdee! Be auspicious. You may not suffer psychological pain. (75)
महामार्यास्तु दुर्गायाः उत्सवस्संप्रवर्तते
तदिमौ मानुषश्रेष्ठौ रामलक्ष्मणनामकौ।। 76
Hint about Rāma and Lakşmaņa,
A festival is going on for the great goddess Durga. So these two best humans named Rāma and Lakşmaņa, (76)
बलिं करोमि दुर्गायै स्नापयेमौ नवोदकैः
हैमं गृष्हाण कलश्ं आनयाशु नवोदकम्।। 77
I am sacrificing them for Durga. Give a bath to these two in fresh water. Take a golden vessel. Go fast and get the water. (77)
एवमाज्ञापिता नेन गष्हीत्वा हेमकुण्डिकाम्
निगडप्रतिरोधाच्च चिरमागां सरस्तटम्।। 78
So commanded by him, I reached this lake taking a lot of time due to these shackles. (78)
अहं तद्वशगौ दष्ष्ट्वा राघवौ शुभविग्रहौ
स्मष्त्वा चेमां ममावस्थां दुःखितास्मि पुनःपुनः।। 79
Seeing auspicious looking Rāma and Lakşmaņa and considering my own pitiable situation, I am crying again and again. (79)
ममास्तु मन्दभाग्यायाः अनाथायाष्च सर्वतः
घष्णितायाष्च दैवेन दुःखसागरमज्जनम्।। 80
Ill-fated, an orphan in all respects, left out even by the god, I am fated to drown in the ocean of sorrow. (80)
कथं राघवयोरद्य स्वयमिन्द्रप्रभावयोः
संप्राप्ता दुरवस्था सा साहाय्ये पि हनूमतः।। 81
How these Rāma and Lakşmaņa with auspiciousness like Indra, met this fate when they have the help of Hanumān? (81)
मया श्रुतो हनूमान्वै तन्नारदमुखच्युतः
देवदानवदुर्धर्षो महाबलपराक्रमः।। 82
I heard from Nārada that He (Hanumān) has great power and courage and cannot be defeated by gods or demons. (82)
हनूमान् क्व क्व वायातः क्व सुग्रीवष्च जांबवान्।। 83
Where is Hanumān? Where has he gone? Where are Sugreeva and Jāmbavan? (83)
ध्रुवं विनिष्चित्य दुरन्तमीदृशं
विचिन्वती चरणं जगत्त्त्रये
प्रतीक्षमाणा हनुमत्पराक्रमं
प्राणान्बिभर्मि स्फुटिता स्वमर्मसु।। 84
Waiting for the valor of Hanumān and the thought of deciding that His lotus feet as the shelter for all in the three worlds, my life is still being held, though my body is badly troubled. (84)
कपीश्वरे जाग्रति भक्तशेखरे
दशमिमां राघवयो£वलोक्य वा
स्वयं निराशास्मि शरीरधारणे।। 85
I felt that my birth itself is a waste when Rama and Lakşmaņa are facing such a sad state, when the alert monkey warrior Hanumān Himself is a staunchest devotee at their lotus feet. (85)
इति श्रीपराशरसंहिताश्रीपराशरमैत्रेयसंवादे श्री हनुमत्पाताललङ्काप्रवेहशकथनंनाम पव्म्चचत्वारिंषत्पटलः
Thus ends the 45th Chapter Part 1 “The Story of Hanumān’s Entry into Pātāla Lanka”
Click here to visit the Contents of the Part 2.
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