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PS2 - Chapter 53

53rd Chapter (Tripancāśat Paţalah)

“Divine Vision of the Universal Form

(Viśvaroopa Darśanam)

पराशर! महाभाग! दीनबन्धो! दयानिधे!
भूयो पि कपिनाथस्य कथाभिरपि तोषय।। 1


“Oh! Great soul! Friend of the distressed! Abode of kindness! Seer Parāśara! Please satisfy me by narrating more interesting episodes about Hanumān, the best amongst monkeys. (1)

कथमासीत्कपीन्द्रस्य भविष्यद्ब्रह्मनामतः
तदहं श्रोतुमिच्छामि वर्णनीयं महामुने।। 2

Oh! Seer Parāśara! I wish to know of Lord Hanumān came to be known as the Future Creator (Bhavişyad Brahma). Please enlighten me”. (2)

अथ जातु कपिश्रेष्ठो द्रष्टुकामो रघूत्तमम्
कृथकृत्यमहात्मानं कृतराज्याभिषेचनम्।। 3


Hanumān goes to Ayōdhya

“Oh! Sage Mytrēya! Later, once when Hanumān wished to see the Lord Śrīrāma, the  successful doer of deeds, the one coronated and the best amongst the Raghu clan, (3)

जानकीसहितं राममयोध्यां प्रस्थितो मुदा
गन्धमादनशैलाग्रादारूढ़करभोत्तमः।। 4

Riding his vehicle, the camel, Hanumān went to Ayōdhya city from His abode Mount Gandhamādhana, happy of having the auspicious vision of Śrīrāmacandra along with consort Jānaki. (4)

क्षणादवाप साकेतं तद्दर्शनकुतूहलात्।। 5

Blissful at the imminence of seeing Śrīrāmacandra, Hanumān reached the Sākētpura city (Ayōdhya) in a trice. (5)

साकेतोपवने रम्ये करभादवतीर्य सः
रामपादाम्बुजद्वन्द्वं दध्यौ ध्यानपरायणः।। 6

Dismounting the camel in a garden near the Sākētapura and, meditating, prostrated at the lotus feet of Śrīrāma and worshipped. (6)

कदा द्रक्ष्ये रघुश्रेष्ठपदांगुष्ठनखप्रभाम्
कदा चक्षुश्चकोरो मे परां प्रीतिमवाप्नुयात्।। 7

‘When can I see the lustre of the nail of the big toe of the feet of the best of the Raghu clan? When can my eyes, like the greater coucal bird (cakōrapakshi; fond of moonlight), will enjoy the bliss? (7)

कदा मुखाम्बुजं साक्षात्करिष्ये पद्मसुन्दरम्
पूर्णचन्द्रो पि येनास्ते सकलङ्को जितप्रभः।। 8

When can I have the auspicious vision of the lotus like the face Śrīrāmacandra, which can defeat the lustre of even the lotus-like full moon. (8)

इति संकल्पसोपानमारूढः पवनात्मजः
रामसिंहासनस्थानं प्राव्म्जलिः प्रतिपद्यत।। 9

Thus mentally making his wishes (sankalpa), Hanumān, with folded hands, climbed the steps of the throne and reached near Śrīrāma. (9)

अथोपनिषदां सारैरप्रमेयं रघूत्तमम्।।
तुष्टाव परया भक्त्या मारुतिर्भक्तशेखरः।। 10

Hanumān with Śrīrāma

Then Hanumān, the great devotee praised Śrīrāma with many invocatory hymns that are the essence of Upanişads. (10)

प्रदक्षिणीक्र्त्य रघूत्तमं प्रभुं
कृष्तप्रणामो हनुमन्महोत्सवः।। 11

Going around Śrīrāma from close quarters, Hanumān with tearful eyes, folded hands and bowed head, attained great bliss (paramānanda). (11)

स तं समुत्थाप्य करांबुजन्मना
दृढं परिष्वज्य निजेन वक्षसा
त्रिरेष जिघ्रावुपमूध्र्नि चादरात्।। 12

Lifting Hanumān with his lotus hands Śrīāma pressed Hanumān to his chest so tight that the sandalwood and other fragrant dusts sticking to his chest due to hugging (earlier) of his consort Sītā wore off; and Śrīrāma smelled thrice the head of Hanumān dearly. (12)

विनयावनतं दृष्ष्ट्वा भक्तानुग्रहतत्परः
पप्रच्छ कुशलं रामो हनूमन्तं दयार्द्रधीः।। 13

Śrīrāma, overcome with dear emotions, the wise and the adept at being benevolent, asked about the welfare of Hanumān bent over with obedient sensibility. (13)

अथाब्रवीत्कपिश्रेष्ठो रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्
जाग्रति त्वयि नाथे नः पुराणपुरुषोत्तम।। 14

Then, Hanumān the best amongst monkeys said so to Śrīrāma of true valor. ‘Oh! Best amongst men (puruşōttama)! While You Yourself are alert to our welfare, (14)

अशुभस्य कुतो वार्ता त्वन्नामस्मृतिवैभवात्
सर्वत्र कुशलं विद्धि त्वत्पादासक्तचेतसाम्।। 15

Why to talk about inauspiciousness before the divine super power of your name? Oh! Rāmā! Know that all those who have their devoted souls on your lotus feet, will always be happy. (15)

नहि सूर्ये तपत्यन्धतमस्संदृष्टिरोधनम्।। 16

Because, how can darkness affect ones site when the sun is shining brightly? (16)

किन्त्विदानीं भवद्दष्टिपरमानन्दसागरे
उन्मज्जितुं न शक्नोमि निमग्नो ह्यहमागलम्।। 17

But now you gave me the ultimate bliss by huggig me. Drowned till the neck level in that ocean of bliss I am unable to come out of it.’ (17)

इति वदति हनूमति प्रियार्हे
पुनरिदमपि वचोहितं वरेण्यं
रघुपतिरपि तस्य भक्तिदाढ्र्र्र्य
जनकसुतां प्रति वेदयिष्यमाणः।। 18

Over come by such dear words of dear Hanumān, Raghurama, overcome by the devotion, wanted these very powerful and good-causing words to be told Śītā also. (18)

हनुमन्मुद्रिका हैमं ममांगुलिविभूषणं
प्रेषिता सत्यलोकाय ब्रह्मणः प्रार्थनावशात्।। 19

Task for Hanumān

‘Oh! Hanumān! I sent my golden signet ring on my finger to the True World (Satyalōka) on the plea of the Creator (Lord Brahma). (19)

मद्वियोगातुराधीना वसन्ती रावणालये
मद्योगेनेव संप्राप्तं प्रयात्यर्थतया सुखम्।। 20

Though (Sītā) felt the pangs of separation from me during stay at Rāvaņa’s place, she is enjoying her share of happiness, having returned to my presence. (20)

सैषा भगवती सीता तामिमां द्रष्टुमिच्छति
तदिमां मुद्रिकां शीघ्रमानय ब्रह्मसन्निधेः।। 21

The best of women, Sītā wishes to see it. So bring that ring from Brahma’s presence quickly.’ (21)

इत्यादिष्टः कपिश्रेष्ठो रघुनाथेन धीमता
मनोवेगसमायुक्तो ब्रह्मलोकं जगाम सः।। 22

Thus commanded by the calm and wise (dheera) Raghuveera, Hanumān is gone to the Brahma’s World (satyalōka) with speed of wind. (22)

तमागतं हनूमन्तं सनकादिमहौजसः
दूतं निवेदयांचक्रुः ब्रह्मणे परमेष्ठिने।। 23

Seeing Hanumān so arriving, splendorous Sanaka, Sananda and others (devoted aides) immediately informed the Supreme Guru Brahma. (23)

तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तेषां सर्वलोकपितामहः
प्रत्युज्जजगाम वेगेन पूजामादाय पाणिना।। 24

Hearing their words Brahma, the universal grandfather, came to meet Him holding worship items. (24)

अथ द्वारान्तरे द्वौ तु कपीशकमलासनौ
परस्परं निरीक्षन्तौ परमां मुदमापतुः।। 25

Seeing each other at the entrance, both Hanumān and Brahma felt very happy. (25)

परस्परं प्रशंसन्तौ प्रणमन्तौ परस्परम्
अन्योन्यमाशिषन्तौ च कुशलं पर्यपष्च्छताम्।। 26

Bowing to each other, praising each other, blessing each other, they asked about each other’s welfare. (26)

ततः पूजां तु लोकेशो ग्राहयित्वा कपीश्वरम्
सरस्वतीविलासाढ्यमानिन्ये योगमन्दिरम्
तत्रोपविष्टहनुमान् ब्रह्माणं पर्यभाषत।। 27

After Lord Brahma reverently honoured Hanumān, Brahma talks with Hanumān sitting in the Yoga hall that renowned by the grace of mother Saraswati. (27)

आगतो स्मि महाभाग राघवस्यानुशासनात्
रामेण प्रेषिता पूर्वं मुद्रिका हेमनिर्मिता।। 28

‘Oh! Great soul! I came by the command of Lord Śrīrāmacandra. Once a golden signet ring was sent by Rāma. (28)

अतुला रत्नखचिता कोटिसूर्यसमप्रभा
विनोदयति वैदेही यया तस्य प्रियान्वहम्।। 29

That was studded with peerless diamonds. It is as bright as the brightness of 10 millions Suns. Rāma’s consort Jānaki enjoys happiness from it everyday. (29)

वव्म्चयित्वा प्रियां रामो भवतः प्रार्थनावशात्
अनुमेने दयासिन्धुः सत्यलोके प्रतिष्ठिताम्
त्वमिमां पुनरानेतुं ब्रह्यन्नर्हसि मुद्रिकाम्।। 30

Full of kindness, Śrīrāma cheated own dear Sītā and agreed to keep it in the Truth World. Oh! Lord Brahma! Now you may bring that ring. (30)

द्रष्टुं वाव्म्छति वैदेही तस्य प्राणसमा प्रिया
यया विरहिता साध्वी न सुखं विन्दते क्वचित्।। 31

Sītā, his darling consort, dear to Him like His own life, wishes to see it. Greatest of ladies, Sītā can never be happy without it. (31)

तदत्र भगवन्नद्य मा कृथा कालयापनाम्
पव्म्चप्राणा हि वैदेह्याः मुद्रिकायां तु मुद्रिताः
देहमात्रं तु तत्रास्ते तस्माद्दातुं त्वमर्हसि।। 32

Oh! Great soul! The five dear lives of Sītā are in that ring. So do not delay even a moment. She is surviving there only physically (without virility). So please give it back right away.’ (32)

इत्युक्तवन्तं प्लवगेश्वरं तथा
नयेन युक्तं विनयान्वितं वचः
ब्रह्मा पि धर्मान्वितमेनमूचिवान्
रघुप्रवीरांगुलिमुद्रिकादरात्।। 33

The Signet Ring Dispute

Hearing to the Lord of Monkeys Hanumān talking in this logical and respectful way, out of respect in the ring of Śrīrāmacandra, Brahma righteously said as follows. (33)

न साम्प्रतं सम्प्रति मुद्रिकार्पणं
पुनर्हनूमन्! रघुनायकाय ते
अदत्त मह्यं स्वयमेव तां प्रभुः।। 34

‘Oh! Hanumān! It is not appropriate to resubmit that ring to your Raghunāyaka. Because the Lord Himself presented that ring that carries an image of His own form. (34)

तन्मूर्तिमेव ताम्मत्वा तत्पूजनपरायणः
नयाम्यहं दिनान्याषु तद्वियोगा£तमस्मरन्।। 35

Imagining that very ring to be the representation of Śrīrāmacandra, unmindful of His absence, I am counting my days, deeply immersed in worshipping Śrīrāma in that manner. (35)

चित्तशुद्धिप्रदां भूयः परमानन्दकारणम्
नोत्सहे तां पुनर्दातुं राघवेण प्रसादिताम्।। 36

I am not willing to return the ring that is the cause of eternal bliss, the one that cause lots of purity in heart, given by Śrīrāmacandra himself. (36)

तदर्हसि पुनर्गंतंु मतिमन् मा चिरं कपे!
यावन्मनसि सीतायाः न कोपः परमावहेत्
तावद्विज्ञापय प्राज्ञ सीतायै दुर्लभां कृताम्।। 37

Oh! Wise Lord of the monkeys! Hence please return before anger rises in the heart of Sītā on this issue. Oh! Adept one (prāgńya)! Explain the reason for not getting the ring to Sītā before she gets angry.’ (37)

इति तद्वचनं शृष्त्वा मारुतिर्भीमविक्रमः
भृशकोपपरीतात्मा कालाग्निसदृशो भवत्।। 38

Hearing these words of Brahma, Hanumān of fierce valor turned very angry like the Fires of Universal Destruction (pralayāgni). (38)

इदमाह चतुर्वक्त्रं हनुमान्पार्वतीसुतः
लोकेशतामदेनैव न युक्तं ज्ञायते त्वया।। 39

Then, Hanumān, the son of mother Pārvati said so to the Four-Faced Brahma. ‘Oh! Brahma! Out of pride of being the lord of the world (lokeś), you lost the knowledge of discerning the right from the wrong. (39)

यतो न दीयते मुद्रा रामनामाङ्किता विधे
न कदाचिद्रघूणां हि निदेशः प्रतिहन्यते।। 40

Why are you not returning the ring with Rāma’s name engraved on it? Oh! Brahma! Never, the order of Raghuveera’s is disobeyed. (40)

तत्रापि जगदीशस्य रामचन्द्रस्य मत्प्रभोः
चरारमिदं कृत्स्नं तदाज्ञैकवशं पदम्।। 41

My Lord Śrīrāma’s command is never to be disobeyed. This whole animate and inanimate world exists just by his command. (41)

यत्प्रसादेन लब्धो हि त्वमिमामधिकारितां
तदाज्ञामवजानासि दुर्लभा हि कृतज्ञता।। 42

You are rejecting the command of one that, in the first place blessed you with His benevolence. Missing is the sense of gratefulness in this world! (42)

तदिदं रघुनाथस्य निदेशकरणोद्यमः
जीवन्नहं न पश्येयं तदाज्ञोल्लंघनं क्वचित्।। 43

Hence, I will not tolerate any one trying to disobey Raghurāma’s command or ignoring His order. (43)

ब्रह्मन्न दीयते मुद्रा यदि निश्चितचेतसा
अचिराद्द्रक्ष्यसे नूनं तस्येदं कर्मणः फलम्।। 44

Oh! Brahmā! If you do not return the said ring with a firm mind, you will soon see the consequences of such a deed.’ (44)

इत्युक्त्वा वचनं सद्यो रामनामानुचिन्तयन्
सेन्दं सशेषं सब्रह्म सगन्धर्वान् सुरासुरान्।। 45

Hanumān’s Universal Form

Soon after saying so, reciting the name of Rāma, not leaving along with Īndra, Gandharva demi gods, gods (suras), demons (asura’s), (45)

उद्धरिष्ये जगत्सर्वमिति निष्चित्य चेतसा
ववृथे भीमकर्मासौ प्रावृषेव घनाघनाः।। 46

To pull out the entire Universe; so deciding mentally, capable of fearful deeds, Hanumān started increasing his form greatly, like the rainy season clouds. (46)

खड्गविंशतिसन्नद्धं भुजाविंशतिमण्डलः
सिंहसंहननोपेतः समवष्टब्धकेसरः।। 47

One carrying twenty varieties of weapons in His twenty arms that are ready, one with a lion like body, one with a well grown mane, (47)

रक्ताक्षो भीमवदनः तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रो भयंकरः
सिंहनादं निनाद्योच्चैः अट्टटासं चकार सः 48

One with red eyes, one with a ferocious face, one with sharp canines, the dangerous one Hanumān, raising lot of activities, roared like a lion very loudly. (48)

तं तथाविधमालोक्य ब्रह्यलोकः पितामहः
भयाकुलमनास्तूर्णं सपरीवारमण्डलः।। 49

Seeing such a form of Hanumān, the World of Brahma and whole family of Brahma got worried out of fear. (49)

तमद्भुताकारधरं कपीश्वरम्
दुरन्तचिंतां समवाप सानुगः।। 50

Seeing such an unbelievable form and with eyes everywhere facing in all directions (visvatōmukha), unconcurable best amongst monkeys, the whole  Brahmaclan got greatly worried. (50)

किमेष सर्वस्य विपर्ययो पि वा
ममैव बुद्धेस्तु विपर्ययो थवा
अकालसंहारविधित्सया हरः
किमीगृश्ं रूपमगाद् बताथवा।। 51

‘What is this? Has the world turned topsy-turvey? Or has myown intellect turned upside down? Has Lord Śiva took this form untimely, bent upon grabbing every thing? (51)

इति श्रीपराशरसंहितायां श्रीपराशरमैत्रेयसंवादे विष्वरूपदर्शने नाम त्रिपव्म्चाशत्पटलः

Thus ends the 53rd Chapter “Divine Vision of the Universal Form”

Devanagari transliteration

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