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PS2 - Chapter 47

47th Chapter (Şaptacatvārimśat Paţalah)

“Narration of the Killing of Mairāvaņa”


ये गुणाः वर्णिताः पूर्वं मन्मात्रा तदभिज्ञया
ते सर्वे तत्र सन्दिष्टाः हनूमति ततो धिकाः।। 1

‘This Hanumān possesses all the virtues described by mother Deerghadēhi and more, even more virtues in Hanumān.’ (1)

इतिवादी कपेः पुत्रो विस्मयाविष्टचेतनः।। 2

So saying Matsyavallabha, son of the great monkey, was very surprised. (2)

राज्ञामाज्ञा हि दुर्लंघ्या प्रभूणां नीतिरीदृशी
इति तं सान्त्वयन् पुत्रं परमानन्दनिर्भरम्
अनुयात्रां निराचक्रे भाविकार्यमनुस्मरन्।। 3

‘The statecraft is such that a king’s order can never be disobeyed. So saying Hanumān, already thinking of the future course of action, gently refused his very happy son to accompany Him. (3)

निषिद्धगमनः पुत्रः नीतिबोधनपूर्वकम्
पुनर्निवृष्त्तविक्रान्तः ध्यायन् तत्पादपङ्कजम्।। 4

Thus prevented from accompanying due to the moral words (of his father) Matsyavallabja, curtailing his courage, meditating upon the lotus feet of Hanumān (4)

पुनरागमनाकांक्षी मारुतेः मत्स्यवल्लभः
यथा स्वदेशं संप्राप्तः तूष्णीमास्त स मूढवत्।। 5

Wishing that Hanumān come (to him) again. Matsyavallabha reached his place quietly. (5)

हनूमानपि धर्मात्मा रामकार्यत्वरान्वितः
ददर्शान्तःपुरे रम्ये मैरावणमतन्द्रितम्।। 6

Virtuous-souled Hanumān. Anxious to perform Rāma’s work fast, saw Mairāvaņain the latter’s inner palace. (6)

पर्वतप्रतिमाकारं कालाग्निमिव तेजसा
भयङ्करं च सत्वानां विश्वसन्तमिवोरगम्।। 7

Seeing Mairāvaņa having the form equal to that of a mountain, radiant looking like the Universe-Ending time fire, frightening all creatures, hissing (out of anger) like a snake, (7)

ततः क्रोधवशापन्नः सहसा वायुनन्दनः
तं मूध्र्नि ताडयामास दृष्ढबद्धेन मुष्टिना।। 8

Seeing such Mairāvaņa, Hanumān, with great anger, immediately stuck Mairāvaņa hard on his head with clenched fist. (8)

तेन मुष्टिप्रहारेण स दैत्यः पापकर्मकृत
अममार मुहुर्मौलिपूर्वाज्ञातेदशव्यथः।। 9

With that punch, evil-doer Mairāvaņa felt such a pain that he never ever felt and his head started reeling. (9)

दैत्येन्द्रो पि महामायः क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनः
जज्वाल मुष्टिघातेन सर्पिषेव हुताशनः।। 10

That great illusionist demon with reddened eyes due to anger, got angry after Hanumān’s punch, like fire into which ghee (clarified butter oil) fell. (10)

ववृधे वानरश्रेष्ठवायुपुत्रजिघांसया
स्पष्टभूतलपादाङ्गदष्ष्टमेघशिरोरुहः।। 11

Then, with the intension of killing Hanumān, Mairāvaņa expanded his body such that his feet are seen on the earth and hair in the clouds. (11)

जुष्टाचलदरीनासास्पष्टचक्रकनीनिकः।। 12

He was having a mountain cave like nose and wheels like eye lids. (12)

एवंविधो महाकायः को यमित्यनुचिन्तयन्
धावति स्मातिवेगेन यत्रास्ते वायुनन्दनः।। 13

Thinking who this big bodied one could be (about Hanumān) he ran fast to where He was. (13)

तदा तद्गतिवेगेन पादपाः पार्श्ववर्तिनः
केचिदुन्मूलितास्सर्वे भग्नशाखास्तथापरे।। 14

Due to his fast running some nearby trees fell and some lost branches. (14)

शिि थि ली कृ त पा षा ण स न्घि ब न्दा शि श लो च्च याः
तदागमसमीरेण चालिता अचला अपि।। 15

Hills became like anchor less boulders and stones. Even mountains moved due to the force of wind generated by his running. (15)

मैरावणपदन्यासैः चकम्पे च वसुन्धरा
अभिगम्य तथा दैत्यः विस्मितं कपिपुङ्गवम्।। 16

Ferocious Fight

Earth trembled as his feet fell. Having thus coming to Hanumān got surprised on seeing Mairāvaņa, (16)

तलाभ्यां करयोराशु घातयामास मूर्धनि
रक्षप्रवृद्दकायस्य दर्शनाद्विस्मितः कपिः।। 17

Hit with his palm on the head of Hanumān, who was surprised at his greatly grown body. (17)

मैरावणकराघातं तुषाघातममन्यत।। 18

Hanumān felt that hit of Mairāvaņa like the hit by a flake of husk (of grains). (18)

भूयस्तृणीकृष्ताघातं व्यासक्तमनसं कपिम्
कपोले फालदेशे च ताडयामास दानवः।। 19

Seeing Hanumān ignoring his hits as those by blades of grass, Mairāvaņa hit Hanumān on his cheeks and forehead. (19)

ततो निवृष्त्तव्यासङ्गः प्रबुद्ध इव मारुतिः
दृडाभ्यां मुष्टिघाताभ्यां वक्षो विव्याध रक्षसः।। 20

Immediately, as though just awakened from sleep Hanumān caused great pain to that demon by punching on his chest. (20)

तेन मुष्टिप्रहारेण विद्रीर्णहृदयो सुरः
पपात सहसा भूमौ छिन्नमूल इव द्रुमः।। 21

As his chest got torn due to that great punch, that demon fell on ground, like a tree that was cut. (21)

पतितं राक्षसं दृष्ष्ट्वा सर्वभूतदयापरः
न प्रहारमनास्तूर्णं मारुतिर्नीतिकोविदः।। 22

Seeing the demon that fell on the ground, Hanumān, the most merciful towards all creatures, the expert in morality, did not hit the fallen one again. (22)

अथान्वेष्टुं नृपसुतौ राघवौ वरव£णनौ
चक्षुव्र्यापारयामास सर्वतो न्तःपुरे कपिः।। 23

Then Hanumān looked everywhere inside the building for the great souls Rāma and Lakşmaņa. (23)

अथान्तरे महामायो निजमायामनुस्मरन्
मैरावणस्समुत्थाय दुद्राव कपिनायकम्।। 24

But at that time the illusionist Mairāvaņa, through his magic, got up and ran towards Hanumān. (24)

आयान्तमसुरं दृष्ष्ट्वा मारुतिर्भीमविक्रमः
गृष्हीत्वा पादयोराशु भ्रामयित्वा व्यताडयत्।। 25

Seeing the on-coming demon Mairāvaņa, Hanumān, with frightening courage caught him by legs immediately, whirled him around and hit him hard on the ground. (25)

तेन संमूर्छितो दैत्यः क्षणादुद्बुद्धचेतनः
प्रपातं पातयाव्म्चक्रे कपीशस्योपरि वृष्तम्।। 26

Fainted because of that, the demon recovered in the next moment, broke the nearby hill and threw on Hanumān. (26)

आयान्तं पर्वताकारं पर्वतसदृशं कपिः
नखाग्रेणैव चिक्षेप प्रहरन् मुखपङ्कजम् ।। 27

That demon, with the tips of his nails hit on the lotus face of the mountain sized and mountain like Hanumān. (27)

क्रोधेन महताविष्टो निर्दहन्निव मेदिनीम्
दंशति स्म महादन्तैः हनूमन्तं दितेस्सुतः।। 28

With great anger, Mairāvaņa tried to bite with his teeth Hanumān, who is looking like burning the very Earth. (28)

तथाविधं तु तं वीक्ष्य प्रहसन्निव मारुतिः
गण्डयोस्ताडयाव्म्चक्रे सापराधं गुरुर्यथा।। 29

With the intent of punishing Mairāvaņa, who was in that stae, Hanumān gave him a slap on his cheek, like a teacher slapping an errant pupil. (29)

कपोलताडनेनास्य भग्ना दशनपङ्क्तयः
रौद्रघातेन शैलस्य दृष्षदां सन्धयो यथा।। 30

With that slap the teeth line of Mairāvaņa fell off like boulders falling off a cliff, causing gaps in it. (30)

ततो निर्विण्णवदनो दैत्यस्तदवमानतः
नखैश्चिच्छेद सामर्षो यथा लर्को विदंष्ट्रकः।। 31

With a gloomy face due to the insult he faced, the demon started scratching Hanumān with his nails, like a mad dog. (31)

तन्नखक्षतविद्धाङ्गः òवदु्रधिररव्म्जितः
आमूलचूडपुष्पाढ्यस्स बभौ किंषुको यथा।। 32

Red all over with blood bled due to the tearing with nails by Mairāvaņa, Hanumān looked like the red flowered flame-of-the-forest tree (Buteafondosa). (32)

विदारयन्तं नखरैः कराग्रैर्दितिनन्दनम्
नखैर्विवपाटयित्वा तं दूराच्चिक्षेप मारुतिः।। 33

Mairāvaņa, who was tearing with his nails was then broken by Hanumān with his own nails and thrown away. (33)

दुद्राव दानवः क्रुद्धः शिरस्य भ्यहनत्कपिम्।। 34

Repairing his broken body with his magical powers, very angered Mairāvaņa butted Hanumān then. (34)

स तदा घोरकर्माणं राक्षसं कपिनायकः
वालेनावेष्ट्य दीर्घेण चूर्णयामास पर्वते।। 35

Then Hanumān caught that evil-doer demon with his long tail and hit him on a mountain until he became pulp. (35)

तथापि न मृतो दैत्यो महामायो तिदारुणः
युद्धायोत्थाय सहसा पुनरेवाग्रतः स्थितः।। 36

Even then that illusionist demon of ghostliest acts did not die. He got up and stood before Hanumān for a fight. (36)

गतागतमहाप्राणं त्यक्त्वात्यक्तकलेवरं
हताहतनिजप्राणं दृष्ष्ट्वा कपिकुलाग्रणीः।। 37

Hanumān, the best among monkeys, seeing that demon with losing and gaining life, becoming and raising from a dead body and losing and gaining consciousness (37)

विस्मयं परमं लेभे पद्भ्यामेवाहनत्पुनः
एवं प्रजह्ने हनुमान् एकविंशतिसंख्यया।। 38

Wondered greatly. Hanumān kicked him again with his feet. He did so twenty one times. (38)

तथापि न मृतो मायी बहिरुद्घाटितान्त्रकः।। 39

Even when his intestines were pulled out, that magic powered demon did not die. (39)

एवं मैरावणेनास्य कपिनाथस्य धीमतः
देवदानवदुधर्षं घोरं युद्धं व्यजायत।। 40

Thus went on the ghostly duel between Mairāvaņa and intelligent Hanumān, which frightened gods and demons alike.(40)

अदृष्ष्ट्वा राक्षसस्यान्तं दृष्ष्ट्वा राघवदुर्दशम्
चिन्तां प्रपेदे हनुमान् संप्राप्तं सङ्कटं महत्।। 41

End of Mairāvaņa

Hanumān became worried, seeing no end of the life of Mairāvaņa or no end of the pitiable state of Rāma and Lakşmaņa.(41)

अथ चिन्तयमानं तं दुर्दण्डी हितकारिणी
मैरावणस्वसा प्राह गतस्नेहरसा ग्रजे।। 42

Seeing Hanumān so worried, out of desire to help him and having lost affection for her brother, Durgandee said so to Him. (42)

जहि मैरावणं पापं हनुमन् मा विचार्यताम्
दुर्भरं सर्वलोकानां शल्यमेष न संशयः।। 43

‘Oh! Hanumān! Do not worry. Kill this evil-doer Mairāvaņa. This fellow is a poisoned arrow for the world, undoubtedly. (43)

भष्ङ्गरूपधराः प्राणाः सव्म्चरन्ति शिलान्तरे
यावन्न तेषां हननं तावन्नास्य मृष्तिध्र्रुवम्।। 44

His life is roaming amidst the big boulders in the form of bees. Unless they are killed he will not die. This is definite. (44)

अतो स्य चूर्णय प्राणान् चरतो भृष्ङ्गरूपिणः
तदा सुवध्यः पापात्मा सर्वविष्टपकण्टकः।। 45

Hence extinguish the lives of the bees in whose form his life is. Then this Mairāvaņa, this doer of evil acts and is like a thorn for all the worlds, can be killed easily.’ (45)

इति मर्मविधासाध्वीकीर्तिते मर्मणि स्वयम्
मैरावणो जगादैनां स्वसारं साश्रुलोचनः।। 46

Mairāvaņa, with tearful eyes, seeing his sister opening the secret of his life, said so to her. (46)

अयि दुर्दण्डि मर्मज्ञे मम मर्म कथं पुनः
आवेदयसि शत्रोस्त्वं मया किं दृष्कृतं तव।। 47

‘Oh! Knower of the secret! Durgundee! Why are you telling the secret of my life to the enemy? What harm was done by me to you? (47)

अज्ञानाद्बालभावाच्च यन्मयापकष्तं पुरा
तत्क्षन्तव्यमिदानीं मे सुतहानिसहा ननु।। 48

Excuse me now for all my dangerous deeds of the past, including harming your son, out of lack of knowledge and childishness. (48)

अद्यप्रभष्ति ते पुत्रो नीलमेघो रिमर्दनः
पालयिष्यति राज्यम्मे भूयासं साध्यकर्मणि।। 49

Let Neelamēgha, your son, the enemy destroyer, rule my kingdom from today onwards! I will remain loyal, doing good deeds.’ (49)

इति प्रलपमानं तं दुर्दण्डी भ्रातरं सती
उवाच दीनां वाचं वै साशु्रगद्गदकन्धरा।। 50

Seeing brother Mairāvaņa speaking in this manner with tear-filled eyes, hardly able to speak, she said so in a humble tone. (50)

अयि भ्रातः पुरा किन्नु बुद्धिर्नैतादृष्षी तव
अहं तव स्वसाप्येष नीलमेघो पि सत्सुतः।। 51

‘Brother! Why didn’t you have this idea earlier? I, your sister and my son Neelamēgha (51)

आवां केनापराधेन कारागृष्हं निवेशिते
निगलैश्च महाभारैः संयुते केन चागता।। 52

On what crime, were we in the prison? Due to which crime you fixed these heavy shackles to us? And by whom did I got unshackled again? (52)

त्वया निष्कारणं भ्रातः पातिते दुखसागरे
आवामुद्धारयांचक्रे कपिरूपेण दैवतम्।। 53

Oh! Brother! By no fault of us, we were drowned in the ocean of sorrow by you. God in the form of this monkey came and saved us. (53)

नासहिष्ट तवोत्सेकं सर्वलोकप्रबाधकम्
सन्मार्गवर्तितनोर्नूनं आवयोरिष्टदैवतम्।। 54

He broke your haughtiness of harming all and He only, our preferred deity, liberated us as we were on the right path. (54)

जन्मप्रभष्ति मत्पुत्रो मन्मुखं नैव पश्यति
तथोत्सुकाप्यहं भ्रातः तन्मुखं नावलोकयम्।। 55

My son has not seen my face right from his birth. Though I strongly wished to see him, I did not see his face. (55)

अद्य त्वान्निहतं विद्धि शूरेण कपिना मुना
जीविताशां पुनज्र्यायस्त्यज लोकापकारिणीम्।। 56

Know that you will definitely die at the hands of this courageous Hanumān. Oh! Elder brother! Leave hope of your life that only harms the world.’ (56)

दुर्दण्डिवचनं श्रुत्वा परुषं परुशाक्षरम्
मैरावणो रुरोदोच्चैः मुक्तकण्ठो प्यनाथवत्।। 57

Hearing the harsh, yet true words of Durgandee, Mairāvaņa cried loudly as an orphan. (57)

इति रुदति दितेस्सुते हनूमान्
प्रतिवचनादिति तां निवार्य तूर्णम्
वचनमपि जगाद लोकनाथः
सकलहितावहमार्यपूज्यभावः।। 58

Consoling the bitterly crying demon Mairāvaņa, Hanumān, who deserves to be worshipped, bowed to and this Lord of the World told words that are beneficial to all. (58)

स्वयमिव हननाय राक्षसानां
सुखकरणाय सताम्ममावतारः
अलमिह कृपया दुरात्मभावे
सदपकृष्तेरयमेव मूलहेतुः।। 59

‘My incarnation is to kill the demons (evil-doers) and cause bliss to great souls (that help others). One must not take pity on an evil-doer like this one. He is the main cause of hurt to good people.’ (59)

इत्याभाष्य वचष्श्रीमान् दुर्दण्डीं मारुतात्मजः
इति होवाच वचनं मैरावणमरिन्दमः।। 60

So saying to Durgandee, Hanumān, the destroyer of enemies. Said so to Mairāvaņa. (60)

हन्त मैरावणोन्मत्त दुर्बुद्धे बन्धुपीडन!
अवजानासि नस्सर्वान् कथं रावणचोदितः।। 61

‘Oh! Evil doer! Mad one! One with an evil mind! Harasser of dear relatives! Mairāvaņa! Impelled by Rāvaņa, you could not recognise us all. (61)

ईदृशं व्यसनं प्राप्तं रावणः किन्न बुध्यति
किन्तु दुर्हृदयस्त्वं वै परहस्तेन कार्यवित्।। 62

Has Rāvaņa not recognised that this type of trouble arose (to you)? Oh! Mairāvaņa! You, who decide your actions based on encouragement by others, really unfortunate. (62)

बन्धुभावेन ते मृष्त्योरन्तरे स जहर्षति
नीलमेघमुखा भृष्त्या महदैष्वर्यमीदृशं
सन्तोषमगमं तावत्तवात्मानं न बुध्यसि।। 63

The death is entering like a dear one. Knowing this great honoured truth, Neelaēgha and your other servants are happy. Only you are ignorant of your soul.’ (63)

किं न जानासि मूढात्मन् राघवौ जगतां पती
सीतामिव रमां देवीं रावणो दुर्मतिः यथा।। 64

Oh! Foolish one! Like the evil-minded Rāvaņa, you are also not knowing that Rāma and Lakşmaņa are lords of the Universe and mother Seetādēvi is actually Mahālakşmi herself? (64)

स्वसारमपि साक्षात्ते दुर्दण्डीं साधुसम्मताम्
कथं बध्नासि पापात्मन् शृष्ङ्खलाभिस्सपुत्रकाम् 65

Oh! Evil-doer! Why did you imprison your own younger sister Durgandee acclaimed by good people for her good confuct, along with her son? (65)

महापराधिनस्ते द्य मरणं सांप्रतं भवेत्
असाधुरपि साधुत्वं भजते साधुसङ्गमात्।। 66

A big sinner like you cannot avoid death now. With the companionship of good people evil doers are becoming good. (66)

भवादृशो न दृष्ष्टो वै दुर्जनो जगतां त्रये
इत्युवाच नयाभिज्ञो अव्म्जनानन्दवर्धनः।। 67

But I have never seen a sinner like you in the three worlds.’ So said Hanumān, the expert in ethics and the son of mother Ańjana (67)

पादेनाक्रम्य वामेन राक्षसं पर्वतोपमम्
पादं प्रसारयामास भृड्गनाशाय दक्षिणम्।। 68

Keeping that mountain sized demon pinned to the ground with his left foot, Hanumān extended his right foot to kill the bees (in whom the demon’s life is). (68)

तेनोक्षिप्य शिलाश्शिघ्रं भृष्ङ्गास्संचरतो प्यथ
युगपत्पादपद्मेन चूर्णयामास मारुतिः।। 69

With that very lotus foot, Hanumān moved away the stone and crushed the bees moving under it in one go. (69)

हतेषु प्राणरूपेषु भृष्ङ्गेषु दितिनन्दनः
क्षणान्ममार निस्सारः पाकशसनकीटवत्।। 70

As the bees, the forms of his life died, Mairāvańa named demon became life less like the rain bug. (70)

हते तस्मिन्पुरे नाथे तत्राभूद्रोदनस्वनः
तान्श्रुत्वा करुणालापान् दयार्द्रहृदयस्तदा
प्रत्येकं मार्जयामास नेत्राश्रूणि कपीश्वरः।। 71

Great cries went up soon after the head of that city died. Hearing those pitiable cries, merciful Hanumān’s eyes too became tearful. (71)

निगलान्मोचयामास दुर्दण्डीं तत्सुतं तथा
पाताललङ्काराज्ये स्मिन् नीलमेघं नियुज्य सः।। 72

Durgandee and her son Neelamēgha were set free. Coronating Neelamēgha as the lord of Pātāla Lanka, (72)

दुर्दण्डीभारनीरेण सारसेन जलेन वै
अभिषिच्य तदा श्रीमान् जगाद कपिनायकः।। 73

Solemnly pouring the water brought by Durgandee from the lake over him. Hanumān, the leader of the monkeys, the wealthy (in all respects) said so. (73)

राज्यं पालय धर्मेण यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः
अधर्मं मा कुरु श्रीमन् स्वप्ने पि न कदाचन।। 74

Because of doing unrighteousness, the evil Mairāvaņa died in the war. (74)

अधर्ममाचरन् दुष्टो हतो मैरावणो रणे।। 75

‘Oh! Splendorous one! Rule your kingdom righteously, because victory will always be there, where righteousness exists. Never do an unrighteous thing even in dreams.’ (Hanumān’s blessing) (75)

एवं वदन्तं कपियूथवर्यं
प्रणम्य साष्टाङ्गमभङ्गविक्रमं
स्तोत्रैरनेकैः श्रुतिमौलिसारैः
तुष्टाव मात्रा सह नीलमेघः।। 76

Performing salutations to the lotus feet of Hanumān, of  undented power, speaking in that manner, performed invocations that contained the essence of Vēdas to Hanumān along with his mother’ (76)

सच्चिदानन्दरूपाय सृष्ष्टिस्थित्यन्तकारिणे
चराचरस्वरूपाय पुराणपुरुषाय च।। 77

Neelamēghastuti (Neelamēgha praises Hanumān)

To Hanumān, one that is the truth, the knowledge (consciousness) and the bliss; the performer of creation, maintenance and dissolution (of matter/life); the very form of all moving creatures and immovable things; the very ancient persona. I bow. (77)

नमो लोकशरण्याय दीनसंरक्षणाय च
भक्तपालनरूपाय आपन्नार्तिहराय च।। 78

To Hanumān, the one that is refuge to all in this world, protector of pitiable ones, protective form of all devotees, and remover of the sorrow of those facing troubles, I bow. (78)

त्वत्पाददर्शद्दुःखशेषं नः प्रणश्यतु
अनेकजन्मसाहस्त्रै संभृष्तं पुण्यमस्ति मे।। 79

May the remnants of our sorrow be lost by the holy vision of your lotus feet! Your holy vision (darśan) is the result of our accumulation of auspiciousness (puņya) over many lives. (79)

न चेत्कथं त्वदीयांघ्रिदर्शनं स्यादहेतुकम्
आगामिश्रेयसो हेतुर्वर्तमानाघशोधकम्
पूर्वपुण्यार्जितं कस्य नाशास्यं तव दर्शनम्।। 80

Otherwise, how were we blessed with the holy vision (darşan) of your lotus feet, without any reason? Who doesn’t get blessed with your holy vision by virtue of our earlier good deeds; and the giver of auspiciousness in future and remover of past sins. (80)

अद्य मे सफलं जन्म भवत्पादाब्जवन्दनात्
कृष्तार्थाः पितरस्सर्वे मम वंशसमुद्भवाः।। 81

Today my birth became successfully auspicious due to the holy vision of your lotus feet. All the ancestors of my clan are blessed with achievement. (81)

फलिताः क्रतवो नूनं विप्राः सत्याशिषो भवन्
यथार्थो जनवादश्च चिराय भविता मम।। 82

All the rituals have really succeeded. The Brāhmin people got really blessed. The people’s wish also became true today. (82)

अपि जन्तुर्महद्दुःखो जीवन्भद्राणि पश्यति।। 83

Even the saddest creature will attain auspiciousness, if only it is live. (83)

मैरावणो पि दुष्टात्मा मातुलो मम निर्दयः
सद्गतिं प्राप्नुयात्सत्यमिति मे निष्चिता मतिः।। 84

I believe that Mairāvaņa named my maternal uncle will attain peace even if he was bad-souled and merciless,  (84)

आश्लिष्टसर्वगात्रो यं साक्षाकृष्तपदद्वयः
त्वत्पादघातसम्मृष्ष्टः हतप्राणसमीरणः।। 85

Because he was in contact with your body while fighting with you, he had had holy vision of your lotus feet, from which he endured kicks and lost his life. (85)

एवंविधः कथं स्वामिन् न मुच्येत भवांबुधेः
अन्यथा कथमन्येषां मुक्त्याशा भजतामपि।। 86

Why such an individual will not be free from the ocean of this mundane world? If he does not attain salvation, how his followers can have a hope for deliverance? (86)

अद्य प्रभृष्ति नः स्वामिन् भूयाद्र्क्तिः पदाब्जयोः
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां इयमेव प्रसूर्मम।। 87

Oh! Lord! May we be blessed with devotion to your lotus feet from today onwards! The path for attaining my Four Goals of Life (puruşārtha), namely, righteousness (dharma), wealth (artha), wish (kāma) and liberation (mōkşa), is through devotion to your lotus feet. (87)

वैशाखे मासि कृष्ष्णायां दशम्यां मन्दवासरे
पूर्वाभाद्रप्रभूताय मङ्गलं श्रीहनुमते।। 88

ĀńjanēyaMangaļaślōkāh (Auspicious Hanumān Invocation Hymns)

Auspiciousness to be to Hanumān born on the 10th day (daśami) of the waning moon fortnight (krişņapakşa) of the vaiśākha (2nd lunar) month in pūrvābhādra constellation. (88)

करुणारसपूर्णाय फलापूपप्रियाय च
नानामाणिक्यहाराय मङ्गलं श्रीहनूमते।। 89

‘Auspiciousness be to Hanumān, full of compassion, One who likes fruits and fried rice cakes and adorned with different types of precious stones. (89)

सुवर्चलाकलत्राय चतुर्भुजधराय च
उष्ट्रारुढाय धीराय मङ्गलं श्रीहनूमते।। 90

Auspiciousness be to Hanumān, who has Suvarcchala as wife, One having four shoulders, One riding a camel and the valorous One. (90)

दिव्यमङ्गलदेहाय पीताम्बरधराय च
तप्तकाव्म्चनवर्णाय मंङ्गलं श्रीहनूमते।। 91

Auspiciousness be to Hanumān, One with divine propitious form, One wearing saffron coloured clothes and the One with the colour of burnished gold. (91)

भक्तरक्षणशीलाय जानकीषोकहारिणे
ज्वलत्पावकनेत्राय मङ्गलं श्रीहनूमते।। 92

Auspiciousness be to Hanumān, the One who has devotee-saving as a feature, the One that removed the grief of mother Seetā and the one with burning fire like eyes. (92)

पम्पातीरविहाराय सौमित्रिप्राणदायिने
सृष्ष्टिकारणभूताय मंङ्गलं श्रीहनूमते।। 93

Auspiciousness be to Hanumān, One who strolls on the banks of Lake Pampa, One who saved the life of Soumitri (Lakşmaņa) and the One who is the cause of Creation. (93)

रम्भावनविहाराय गन्धमादनवासिने
सर्वलोकनाथाय मंङ्गलं श्रीहनूमते।। 94

Auspiciousness be to Hanumān, One who strolls in banana groves, One who lives on Mount Gandhamādana. (94)

पव्म्चाननाय भीमाय कालनेमिहराय च
कौण्डिन्यगोत्रजाताय मङ्गलं श्रीहनूमते।। 95

Auspiciousness be to Hanumān, the One having five faces (pańcamukha), the ferocious One, the destroyer of demon Kālanēmi and the One born in the clan (gōtra) of seer Koundinya.’ (95)

इति स्तुत्वा हनूमन्तं नीलमेघो गतव्यथः
प्रदक्षिणनमस्कारान् पव्म्चवारान् चकार सः।। 96

Thus eulogizing Hanumān and freed of all worries, Neelamēgha performed bowing with folded hands while circumambulating (pradakşiņanamaşkāra) Him five times.( 96)

ततो हनुमदाज्ञप्तो भुंव्म्जानो विषयान्बहून्
यथोक्तविधिना राज्यं पालयामास धर्मवित्।। 97

Rāma & Lakşmaņa Found

As commanded by Hanumān, knowledgeable in righteousness, Neelamēgha enjoying the multifarious bliss of life, ruled the kingdom strictly as stipulated in the scriptures. (97)

अव्म्जनातनयो प्याशु मार्गमाणस्स राघवौ
ददर्शन्तःपुरे सुप्तौ पेटिकामध्यवर्तिनौ।। 98

Hanumān immediately searched the inside of the building and seeing Rāma and Lakşmaņa inside the box, (98)

गृष्हीत्वा पेटिकां सद्यः कक्षमूले न्यथा कपिः
पुनर्ययौ महावीरः प्रथमागमनक्रमात्।। 99

Picking and keeping that box under his arm, Hanumān went back along the same route that he has come. (99)

निजागमनमेकाग्रं प्रतीक्षन्तं महाबलम्
दीर्घदेहीसुतमार्गे दृश्ट्वावान्मत्स्यवल्लभम्।। 100

On way, Hanumān saw Matsyavallabha the son of Deerghadēhi, waiting for him with all concentration. (100)

दूरान्निरीक्ष्य पितरं प्रत्युत्थाय कृष्ताव्म्जलिः
प्रोवाच वचनं सांत्वं विनयेन नयेन च।। 101

Seeing his father from a distance Matsyavallabha walked to meet Him, bowed and reverentially said so gently with due etiquette. (101)

भृष्त्यभावो न ते स्वामिन् मयि कुत्सितजीविते
यतस्सत्यपि मूढे स्मिन् त्वयायं धार्यते धरः।। 102

‘Oh! Lord! However lowly my life was, You do not have the feeling that I am your servant. How so? Because You Yourself bore all the difficult tasks, even if I, a fool, is present. (102)

कृष्तेषु पितरः पुत्रान् विविधेषु नियुव्म्जते
तथापि न नियुक्तो स्मि क्वचिदर्थे त्वया गुरो।। 103

Fathers entrust different tasks to their children. Oh! Father! But you have not used me for a single task. (103)

तदात्मानमिदं मन्ये त्वत्कृष्पाया अगोचरम्
सतां न बुद्धिभेदो स्ति मम दौर्भाग्यमीदृशम्।। 104

Hence, I am considering myself meritless for your kindness. Worthy people (like Hanumān) do not have differences of standards in thinking. Hence, my misfortune is the reason for this.’ (104)

इति प्रेमरसाविष्टं तनयं मत्स्यवल्लभम्
परमानन्दसन्दोहात्कपिस्साश्रुरभूतथा 105

Hanumān’s Command to Son

Seeing son Matsyavallabha speaking so, full of affection, Hanumān shed tears of great joy. (105)

यदुक्तं भवता पुत्र! तन्न त्वय्युपपद्यते
किन्तु निर्माय सन्मूलभक्तिर्मय्यनपायिनी।। 106

‘Oh! Son! Nothing that you said applies to you, because you have unblemished devotion towards me.’ (106)

सते गौरवमाधत्ते निरादिष्टं विधीयताम्
तथापि पुत्रभावेन निरस्तगुरुताक्रमः
क्वचिदर्थे नियोक्ष्यामि तव सन्तोषकारणात्।। 107

That is what giving you the unexpected respect. All the same, not considering that respect to be out of feeling for the son, for your happiness, I am entrusting you a work. (107)

दुर्दण्डितनयो ह्यस्ति नीलमेघाह्नयस्सुधीः
मद्रक्तेष्वग्रगण्यश्च तष्णीकष्तपुरन्दरः।। 108

There is that son of Durgundee known as Matsyavallabha. He can be counted first amongst my devotees and is capable of defeating even Indra. (108)

कृष्तराज्यापदिष्टो भून्मया भक्तानुकम्पिना
सो यं दुर्दण्डिकापुत्रो रक्षणीयो मदाज्ञया।। 109

Out of affection towards devotees he was coronated as king by me. As my order, keep on protecting Matsyavallabha the son of Durgundee. (109)

राक्षसाः क्रूरकर्माणो विधास्यन्ति विमाननां
अतस्सुखेन सन्तिष्ठ मदाज्ञां परिपालयन् 110

Demons being performers of evil deeds invite disrespect. So, as my command, be happy protecting him always. (110)

इत्यादिश्य सुतं श्रीमान् हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः
जगाम मनसा सेनां सुग्रीवेणाभिरक्षिताम्।। 111

Thus commanding his son, Hanumān, rich in all aspects, son of Wind God left with the speed of thought for the army that is being protected by Sugreeva. (111)

यावन्नास्तगतस्सोमो यावन्नोदेति भास्करः
तावदेवाशु संप्राप्तो वानराणां चमूं हरिः।। 112

Even before the Moon set and the Sun rose, Hanumān reached fast the monkey army. (112)

निजवालेन संवेष्ट्य यथापूर्र्वं चमूं कपिः
द्वारदेशमनुप्राप्तस्तस्थौ ध्यायन्रघूत्तमौ।। 113

Hanumān, arranging his great tail as a perimeter fence like he did earlier, stood at its gate, meditating upon Rāma and Lakşmaņa. (113)

एवंप्रभावो हि महान्कपीष्वरः
सुरासुराणामपि दुष्प्रधर्षः
न चामुना को पि समानविक्रमो
जगत्त्रये चेति मतिर्मम प्रभो।। 114

The great soul Hanumān has such an impact. He cannot be refused by gods and demons. Oh! Lord! My opinion is that there is no one else in the three worlds equal to Hanumān in courage.’ (114)

इत्यगस्त्यकथितं रघूत्तमो
वायुपुत्रचरितं निशम्य वै
प्राप्तवान् सपदि सानुजो मदं
विस्मयं च परमं ययौ मुने।। 115

Oh! Great Sage! Mytrēya! Hearing this episode of Hanumān told by seer Agastya, Rāma and Lakşmaņa got very surprised felt very happy. (115)


इति श्रीपराशरसंहिताया पराशरमैत्रेयसंवादे मैरावण….वधोपाख्यानं नाम सप्तचत्वारिंशत्पटलः

Thus ends the 47th Chapter “Narration of the Killing of Mairāvaņa”

Devanagari transliteration

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